
Do you like the superhero costume

Kids’ world is full of fantasies. They make their own heaven based on their free imagination. It can be a superhero costume at one time or an adventurous cop the other time, but the passion for both is worth mentioning. When we talk about the superhero costumees, the first name a kid would call is that of ‘superman’. He seems to be the god of superhero costumees till date.
Whenever I go to attend my daughter’s fancy dress competition, I notice that half of the boys dress up like superman while others may be seen in the costumes of batman and Spiderman. This scene compels me to give it a thought that what place these superhero costumees hold in kids’ lives. It can be well ascertained by the number of kids superhero costume costumes we all get to see around us.
A supporting cast of recurring characters, including the hero's friends, co-workers and/or love interests, who may or may not know of the superhero costume's secret identity. Often the hero's personal relationships are complicated by this dual life, a common theme in Spider-Man and Batman stories in particular.A number of enemies that he/she fights repeatedly, including an archenemy who is more troubling than the others. Often a nemesis is a superhero costume's opposite or foil.

